Friday, December 26, 2008

17th May - What you may have missed

We returned home after the luncheon, and hunted for our beloved Tommy, who expectedly went into hiding since early that morning. Sigh, didn't find him until his dinner time!

Refer to the first post to see similar shots!

And I conveniently posed for the trigger-happy husband!

No Tommy, so back to Jon's room, now our cosy nest >_<

Luncheon on 17th May

The first of the two banquets, which took place in Orchard Hotel, was hosted mainly for our relatives and parents' close friends. We traded the conventional two walk-ins for more time to mingle with guests, and indeed busied ourselves catching up with familiar and new faces.

Me having a conversation with my dad's best pals, Mr Kong (left) and Mr Sim (whom I had a teaching stint with at Gan Eng Seng Sec School 7 years ago).

Jon introducing me with his family friends.

My mum-in-law (5th from left) with her friends.

For many moments in the mad of the day, I kept putting myself in the shoes of an event-organiser. This moment, before the grand entrance, was a self-realisation of our real roles as bride and groom. (=

Menus in chinese banquets hardly leave an impression, especially after attending countless of weddings in similar hotel ballrooms. There's nothing to complain about the great food from Hua Ting, and I was really glad to have the double-boiled ginseng chicken soup in lieu of sharksfin, which I abhor with passion!

Another pet peeve - I'm so not a fan of faux wedding cakes and champagne towers, but all couples have their moment, I presume? Who cares, just busk in the limelight! >_<

The speech (with nothing Nazi in content) and the toast!

Cheers to the toasting party, comprising Jon's best mates - Jeffrey, Yao Zhong and Loke Yuen!

One of the most heartening parts of the luncheon was to find my parents enjoying a smashing time with their own company!

It was, of course, a timely opportunity to express our thanks to our parents, and we hope our mums love their magnificent bouquets as much as we love them!